Alternate Fuel Handling

Alternate Fuel Handling

Alternative Fuels & Raw Material (Solid/Semi Solid AFR)
We at FRIGATE has in house capability to design, manufacture and install the system for use of Alternate Fuel and Raw Materials (AFR) through waste management solutions.
We offer complete solution for pre- processing and co-processing of Alternative Fuels.

Few important Points regarding AFR before we proceed further

  • Most of the AFR are not having any standard material characteristics. Each system has to be tailor made to a specific requirement of end user.
  • System has to be designed to handle all the different AFR with different material properties.
  • Safety should be of top most priority as waste materials are prone to fire risks. System for immediate detection & prevention from fire hazard should be installed.

Steps in conversion of waste to alternate fuel

Pre-processing: Solid & Semi Solid Waste
Pre-processing is basically done to make waste usable as alternative fuel.
Benefits of pre-processing is that waste material is reduced in to usable size. Also now quality of AF can be controlled properly.

Steps of Pre-processing

  • Shredding
  • Segregation
  • Foreign body removal

Solid/Semi Solid AFR Pre-Processing Solutions

Based on the requirement and material properties, generally below mentioned equipment are part of pre-processing system.

  • Shredder
  • Separator
  • Screen
  • Air Sifter with cyclone
  • Mixer

Alternate Fuel & Raw Material Co-processing
For use of alternate fuels; the existing industrial process needs to be made adaptive to accept the alternate fuels.

Co-processing is done to make the existing industrial system adaptive so that waste materials can be used as alternatives resources as fuels.

Steps of Co-Processing involves the following steps:

  1. Reception of material
  2. Screw Docking Station
  3. Truck Unloading System
  4. Storage with controlled discharge
  5. Push or Live Bottom Floor
  6. Conveying
  7. Chain / Belt Conveyor
  8. Side Wall Conveyor
  9. Pneumatic Conveying Rotary Feeder
  10. Feeding
  11. Flap Damper
  12. Rotary Air Lock
  13. Pneumatic Shut-off Gate

While selection of waste to be used as alternate fuel for cement kiln; utmost care should be taken to avoid fuels which are not suitable for cement kiln.

Fuels Not Suitable for Cement Kiln

  • Electronic Wastes
  • Whole Batteries
  • Bio Active Medical Waste
  • Mineral acids and corrosives
  • Explosives
  • Asbestos
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Unsorted Garbage

Photo Gallery

  • Address:
    A-1550, 2nd Floor, Green Field Colony, Faridabad – 121003


Need Help? Call Us!

  • Address:
    A-1550, 2nd Floor, Green Field Colony,
    Faridabad – 121003

Alternate Fuel Handling

Alternate Fuel Handling